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Genuine Kobido®

An ancestral Japanese art of facial massage,
dating from the end of the 15th century. 
It rebalances the vital energy (Ki), and deeply relaxes the whole body. Very famous for its lifting properties, it is a natural substitute for injections.


Kobido Sculpting®

The KOBIDO SCULPTING® is the amazing marriage Authentic Kobido®,muscle stretching and facial massage through the inside of the mouth.
This lifting method, thanks to an in-depth work of the facial muscles inaccessible from the outside, completes and boosts the already very effective effects of the Authentic Kobido®.



The Korean facial massage that Japanese women love.
Complementary to the other two techniques, the KORUGI®

or Face Shaping Method,consists of a  work  deep pressure on the bones and muscles. This technique helps to restore the original position of the bones of the face and skull and improves blood microcirculation in the tissues of the face.
From the feet to the top of the head, tensions and tensions are released. The face is more open, more symmetrical, more rested. The regenerated skin appears more radiant and smoother, The features are clearer.

Kansa Wand

Ancient Ayurvedic ritual in honor of inner beauty and natural glow. It stimulates cell regeneration, detoxifies, drains, plumps. It is practiced using a bronze tool and naturally cold wood.

Kobido Ceremony®

Techniques inspirées de rituels ancestraux japonais,
adaptés au massage Authentique Kobido®


Training at Kobido 

The Kobido® School is the only official approved school  in France training with Authentic Kobido®.
The Kobido® School also trains in the profession of Facialist.

Organization registered under number 75170253917 with the Prefect of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region*. Certified Qualiopi (quality referencing) under the number: 1191 OF IND 0

. Certified training in Authentic Kobido®    
Japanese Ancient Art of Facial Massage 

The Kobido School®teaches you much more than a massage The Kobido School introduces you to a martial art… The ancestral Japanese art of facial massage… a pure, deep, subtle and so refined technique…

Massage as it is practiced and as it has been perpetuated from master to disciple for centuries in Japan. The objective… to make you Artists of Authentic Kobido! 

Thanks to its individualized and quality teaching, the Kobido School will make you an outstanding Specialist of Authentic Kobido
® !


. Certifying training in the profession of Facialist
(Genuine Kobido®, Kobido Sculpting®, Korugi®, Kansa Wand)

The Kobido School®teaches you a set of unique techniques, allowing you to address all face anti-aging issues.

You will learn how to combine all of these complementary techniques, in order to offer exceptional care. 


NEW: Individual Coaching:

the Kobido® School offers you
a "ONE TO ONE" formula 
with a dedicated trainer, just for you, to meet your expectations as closely as possible and  your needs...

Contact us and let's develop your personalized training plan together.

Formations "A LA CARTE"
Kobido Ceremony®

Techniques inspirées de rituels ancestraux japonais, adaptés au massage Authentique Kobido®


Massage traditionnel japonais,  crâne, nuque, épaules.

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